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$399 Package

Several leaders raising their hands.

This comes with one service, plus one month of 4 free consulting sessions and a 50% discount for an additional service of your choice for one month. This is best for those who are low on budget but high on aspirations!

$699 package

This comes with 2 services under a commitment of 3 months. It includes 6 sessions of one hour each, plus a 50% free one-month, no commitment trial of all of our services. This is our most popular package, so hurry and snag it!

An icon of a lightbulb.
A globe and some books.


This includes all services monthly on a 3-month commitment and up to 8 free sessions a month of one hour each. You will also receive a free gift on us, and if you are unsatisfied with the first month, 50% will be refunded to you in exchange for feedback. This is the ultimate package for small businesses!


For any company, I offer negotiable pricing, financing, and more. This must be under duress of a consultation.

An icon of a man leaning against an exclamation point.
A finger pushing a button of a video with a man in it.


Take a step in the right direction and get to know me; research me on Google; look me up. I promise, you will find a reason to hire me. If you like what you see, you can feel free to book a free session with me to discuss your project, your needs, and I will do everything I possibly can to assist you in thi endeaavor.

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